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GridGain has released version 7.8.16.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed NPE in TcpDiscoverySharedFsIpFinder
  • Fixed backward compatibility issue for GridDhtForceKeysResponse
  • Correct handling of half open communication connection.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition: 

Versions in Maven:

7.8.16 for gridgain-core artifact
1.8.16 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 8.1.9


The following main changes are included in this version:

  • C++ node can start without example folder now
  • Fix for JobStealingCollisionSpi can sends jobs to a node that joined after task was executed
  • Fix: when PDS is enabled and IGNITE_BINARY_SORT_OBJECT_FIELDS property is set and IgniteCache#put is called a node hangs
  • Fixed bug in cache start operations ordering.
  • Fixed deadlock when partition eviction starts from multiple threads.
  • Fixed NPE in TcpDiscoverySharedFsIpFinder.
  • Fixed PDS corruption if partition have been evicted and owned again.
  • Fixed redundant invocations of CacheStoreSessionListener if store operation is not executed
  • Fixed: throttling iss not applied to page allocation.
  • Ignite Logger type is displayed during Node startup
  • S3 IP finder: support bucket endpoint configuration
  • S3 IP finder: support server side encryption
  • Visor CMD: Added "-quiet" flag for batch mode.
  • Visor CMD: Added ability to start cache rebalance.
  • Visor CMD: Fixed reading last command line in batch mode.
  • Visor GUI: Fixed collection of DR metrics on data nodes.
  • Visor GUI: Improved detection of cluster active/inactive state.
  • Visor GUI: Improved support of very large clusters.
  • Web console: Fixed headers to avoid REST API caching in browsers (esp. IE).
  • Web Console: Added "Connected clusters" component in header.
  • Web Console: Added duration and node ID in results header and 'Show query' modal.
  • Web Console: Fixed resize of pinned columns.
  • Web Console: Fixed several UI issues with schedule change dialog.
  • Web Console: Fixed Y-axis on "Cache latency" chart.
  • Web console: Implemented support for alerts: node joined, node left, topology size.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition: 


Professional Edition: 



Versions in Maven:

8.1.9 for gridgain-core artifact
2.1.9 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.9.10.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Stop ping if current node is stopping
  • Backup node saves entry on get() from primary if it's not presented locally and local store is used
  • Fixed NPE in TcpDiscoverySharedFsIpFinder
  • Fix for JobStealingCollisionSpi can sends jobs to a node that joined after task was executed
  • ScanQuery transformer should be applied to all result pages
  • Fixed backward compatibility issue for GridDhtForceKeysResponse
  • Fixed NullPointerException during early access to services()

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:


Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.9.10 for gridgain-core artifact
1.9.10 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.7.18.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Optimized heap utilization in partition handling logic.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.7.18 for gridgain-core artifact
1.7.18 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.8.17.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Backup node saves entry on get() from primary if it's not presented locally and local store is used.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.8.17 for gridgain-core artifact
1.8.17 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 8.1.10


The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Stop ping if current node is stopping.
  • Backup node saves entry on get() from primary if it's not presented locally and local store is used.
  • Fixed IgniteOOM propagation to client in case of implicit transaction and one phase commit
  • Fixed resetting non-valid near cache entry
  • DR Sender Hub will re-resolve FQDN during each connection attempt
  • Fixed NullPointerException during early access to services()

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:



Versions in Maven:

8.1.10 for gridgain-core artifact
2.1.10 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team


Recently discovered Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities might affect your GridGain deployments. Please refer to the blog post below for suggestions on how to protect from the security breaches:

Please subscribe to the forum below for the further security updates:


Denis Magda

Product Management

GridGain has released version 8.3.2


The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Avoid infinite looping of communication and discovery reconnects.
  • Backup node saves entry on get() from primary if it's not presented locally and local store is used.
  • C++ node can start without example folder now
  • Correct handling of half open communication connection.
  • Discovery SPI: Ignite will skip non-Ignite servers during Discovery instead of failure
  • EvictionPolicyFactory support added to CacheConfiguration
  • Fix for JobStealingCollisionSpi can sends jobs to a node that joined after task was executed
  • Fix: when PDS is enabled and IGNITE_BINARY_SORT_OBJECT_FIELDS property is set and IgniteCache#put is called a node hangs
  • Fixed @SpringResource injection via igniteSpringBean
  • Fixed an issue with infinitely deploying class on peer classloader.
  • Fixed bug in cache start operations ordering.
  • Fixed deadlock when partition eviction starts from multiple threads.
  • Fixed Ignite WAL reader failure when binary_meta path is not provided.
  • Fixed IgniteOOM propagation to client in case of implicit transaction and one phase commit
  • Fixed issue with affinity assignment mismatch after grid nodes restart.
  • Fixed issue with blocking metadata read when called from discovery thread
  • Fixed node hanging on join with enabled persistence and empty disc space.
  • Fixed NPE in TcpDiscoverySharedFsIpFinder.
  • Fixed NPE on node stop when SSL is in use.
  • Fixed NPE when schemaIds for BinaryMetadata are null
  • Fixed NullPointerException during early access to services()
  • Fixed PDS corruption if partition have been evicted and owned again.
  • Fixed peer classloader on SHARED mode
  • Fixed resetting non-valid near cache entry
  • Fixed user buggy IgniteService cancellation on node stop.
  • Ignite Logger type is displayed during Node startup
  • Improved speed of discovery messages processing.
  • In in-memory mode partitionID is masked from pageID when comparing for page removal.
  • Marshaller mappings and binary metadata are persisted to disk when registered locally
  • Marshaller mappings and binary metadata are persisted to disk when registered locally
  • ODBC: Added support of multiple statements execution with one call.
  • ODBC: Added support of SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT
  • ODBC: Driver now properly handles ungraceful TCP disconnects (keep-alive connection)
  • ODBC: Fixed error that prevents from closing executed DML statement.
  • ODBC: Fixed SQLGetDiagRec behaviour on too small buffer size
  • Persisted marshaller mappings are checked during node startup, exception is thrown if corrupted mapping found.
  • S3 IP finder: support bucket endpoint configuration
  • S3 IP finder: support server side encryption
  • Snapshot utility: Added '-comment' option to commands: SNAPSHOT, RESTORE, CHECK, DELETE, MOVE, CANCEL.
  • Snapshot utility: Added number of snapshots to LIST command output (text and JSON).
  • Snapshot utility: Fixed duplicate path in CATALOG command.
  • Snapshot utility: Fixed typo in CANCEL command.
  • Snapshot utility: Fixed utility hang on connect to secured cluster.
  • Snapshot utility: Improved CATALOG command help.
  • Snapshots catalog: Fixed endless loop when catalog responding with HTTP errors.
  • SQL: Added "notNull" property to QuerySqlField annotation.
  • SQL: Added support for Java 8 Date and Time API.
  • SQL: Allowed multiple caches to share the same schema.
  • SQL: INSERT command now can be executed without explicit column names (INSERT INTO table VALUES ...)
  • Standalone WAL iterator handles WAL delete data records
  • Stop ping if current node is stopping.
  • Visor CMD: Added "-quiet" flag for batch mode.
  • Visor CMD: Added ability to start cache rebalance.
  • Visor CMD: Added dialog to put/get/remove values to/from cache for simple key types.
  • Visor Cmd: Fixed 'cache -a' in case of node filter.
  • Visor CMD: Fixed reading last command line in batch mode.
  • Visor Cmd: Show valid message for caches when cluster is inactive.
  • Visor GUI: Added dialog to put/get/remove values to/from cache for simple key types
  • Visor GUI: Fixed collection of DR metrics on data nodes.
  • Visor GUI: Improved detection of cluster active/inactive state.
  • Visor GUI: Improved support of very large clusters.
  • Visor GUI: Optimized logic for snapshots list collection.
  • Visor: Added support for ClientConnectorConfiguration.
  • Web Console and Visor CMD: Updated eviction policy factory in configs.
  • Web console: Fixed headers to avoid REST API caching in browsers (esp. IE).
  • Web Console: Added "Connected clusters" component in header.
  • Web Console: Added "Copy to clipboard" action on Queries screen.
  • Web Console: Added duration and node ID in results header and 'Show query' modal.
  • Web Console: Added several SQL examples on Queries screen.
  • Web Console: Added support for ClientConnectorConfiguration.
  • Web Console: AngularJS 1.5.x upgraded to AngularJS 1.6.x.
  • Web Console: Fixed configuration generation for imported model in case of Oracle NUMBER(5) datatype.
  • Web Console: Fixed memory leak on "Connection is not established" dialog.
  • Web Console: Fixed missing Snapshots catalog configuration in "Node config" dialog.
  • Web Console: Fixed opening of several thread dumps at once.
  • Web Console: Fixed output of big numbers in SQL query results.
  • Web Console: Fixed resize of pinned columns.
  • Web Console: Fixed several UI issues with schedule change dialog.
  • Web Console: Fixed Web Console under IE11.
  • Web Console: Fixed Y-axis on "Cache latency" chart.
  • Web console: Implemented component for cluster selection and activation.
  • Web Console: Implemented configuration of services permissions.
  • Web Console: Implemented progress indication for 'execute', 'scan' and 'export' actions on Queries screen.
  • Web Console: Implemented support for alerts: node joined, node left, topology size.
  • Web Console: Improved 'Export All' on Queries screen.
  • Web Console: Improved export of grouped data on Admin panel.
  • Web Console: Improved file naming for queries export.
  • Web console: Improved support for binary JDBC types on import from RDBMS.
  • Web Console: Select only server nodes for local queries on Queries screen.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:


Versions in Maven:

8.3.2 for gridgain-core artifact
2.3.2 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.8.18.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed future hang on non-serializable cache response.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.8.18 for gridgain-core artifact
1.8.18 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.9.11.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed MBeans names escaping to handle special symbols
  • Introduced log markers support to IgniteLogger and standard DEV_ONLY marker
  • Fixed future hang on non-serializable cache response.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.9.11 for gridgain-core artifact
1.9.11 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 8.1.11


The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Add Spring 3.x integration module
  • Changed Log4J and Log4J2 adapters to update active logger configuration when configuration source file is modified.
  • Custom thread pools monitoring added
  • Ensure that SocketChannel is always closed during unsuccessful TCP client connection attempts
  • Fix array serialization on big-endian architectures
  • Fixed future hang on non-serializable cache response.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect partition state recovery leading to "Page is corrupted" message on node restart
  • Fixed MBeans names escaping to handle special symbols
  • Introduced log markers support to IgniteLogger and standard DEV_ONLY marker
  • Opportunistically reopen caches after client node rejoins topology.
  • Use PeerDeployAware for stream transformer
  • Visor CMD: Added dialog to put/get/remove values to/from cache for simple key types.
  • Visor GUI: Improved cluster dump speed.
  • Visor GUI: Improved cluster dump.
  • Visor GUI: Show rebalance state when cache metrics disabled.
  • Web Console: Fixed creation of snapshot operation schedules.
  • Web Console: Implemented component for cluster selection and activation.
  • Web Console: Improved export of grouped data on Admin panel.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:


Versions in Maven:

8.1.11 for gridgain-core artifact
2.1.11 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 8.3.3


The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Add Spring 3.x integration module
  • Added TcpDiscoverySpi.reconnectDelay property to set the time between node's attempts to (re)join the cluster.
  • Changed Log4J and Log4J2 adapters to update active logger configuration when configuration source file is modified.
  • Custom thread pools monitoring added
  • DR Sender Hub will re-resolve FQDN during each connection attempt
  • Fix array serialization on big-endian architectures
  • Fix ClassNotFoundException when replicating an object of unknown class
  • Fixed cache metadata corruption during concurrent checkpoint and cache destroy
  • Fixed contention while executing parallel atomic single get operations.
  • Fixed future hang on non-serializable cache response.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect partition state recovery leading to "Page is corrupted" message on node restart
  • Fixed MBeans names escaping to handle special symbols
  • Introduced log markers support to IgniteLogger and standard DEV_ONLY marker
  • Properly throw exception from IsolatedUpdater of DataStreamer
  • Support Ignite MR work in Kerberized environment without IGFS
  • Use PeerDeployAware for stream transformer
  • Visor GUI: Improved cluster dump speed.
  • Visor GUI: Improved cluster dump.
  • Visor GUI: Show rebalance state when cache metrics disabled.
  • Web Console: Added detection of CSV separator based on browser locale.
  • Web Console: Added support for custom SMTP server configuration.
  • Web Console: Fixed creation of snapshot operation schedules.
  • Web Console: Implemented support for multiple statements on Queries screen.
  • Web Console: Implemented ZIP package for direct install of Web Console.
  • Web Console: Improved export of grouped data on Admin panel.
  • Web Console: Improved usability of Notifications on Admin panel.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:


Versions in Maven:

8.3.3 for gridgain-core artifact
2.3.3 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 8.1.12


The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Added TcpDiscoverySpi.reconnectDelay property to set the time between node's attempts to (re)join the cluster.
  • Default and recommended JVM options are updated
  • Fix ClassNotFoundException when replicating an object of unknown class
  • Fixed contention while executing parallel atomic single get operations.
  • Fixed problem when cluster could not survive after IgniteOOM
  • Support Ignite MR work in Kerberized environment without IGFS
  • Web Console: Implemented ZIP package for direct install of Web Console.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:


Versions in Maven:

8.1.12 for gridgain-core artifact
2.1.12 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.7.19.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed error when using TreeMap or TreeSet as cache key.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.7.19 for gridgain-core artifact
1.7.19 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

CVE-2018-1295: Possible Execution of Arbitrary Code Within Deserialization Endpoints of Apache Ignite

Severity: Important

Vendor: GridGain, Inc.

Versions Affected:

* Apache Ignite 2.3 and earlier

* GridGain Professional Edition 2.4.2 and earlier

* GridGain Enterprise and Ultimate Editions 8.3.3 and earlier


An attacker can execute arbitrary code on Apache Ignite and GridGain nodes in the case when the classpath contains arbitrary vulnerable classes.


Apache Ignite serialization mechanism does not have a list of classes allowed for serialization/deserialization, which makes it possible to run arbitrary code when 3-rd party vulnerable classes are present in Ignite classpath. The vulnerability can be exploited if the one sends a specially prepared form of a serialized object to one of the deserialization endpoints of some Ignite components -   discovery SPI, Ignite persistence, Memcached endpoint, socket steamer.


•    All Ignite versions: make sure there are no vulnerable classes among your custom code used in GridGain.

•    Upgrade to GridGain Professional Edition 2.4.3, GridGain Enterprise or Ultimate Edition 8.3.4 or later and use IGNITE_MARSHALLER_WHITELIST and/or IGNITE_MARSHALLER_BLACKLIST system properties to define classes allowed for deserialization


The vulnerability was discovered by Man Yue Mo of



Sincerely yours,

GridGain Team