Release Updates

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GridGain has released version 7.8.7.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed potential OOME in TcpCommunicationSpi
  • BLOB JDBC type support added
  • Fixed cache initialization event races.
  • Fixed IgniteCache.containsKey() call on backup partition of atomic cache.
  • Implement communication backpressure per policy.
  • Fix broken manual rebalance.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:
Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.8.7 for gridgain-core artifact
1.8.7 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.8.8.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed rescheduling ServiceProcessor assignments recalculation if there is a pending topology change
  • Fixed IS_EVICT_DISABLED flag is not cleared when cache store throws an exception
  • Fixed stripe pool starvation on unstable topology
  • Fixed cluster instability on large near caches lead with metrics enabled
  • Fixed Massive NODE_FAILED events lead to excessive momentary memory consumption
  • Backported asyncOp bypass for sync operations
  • Backported communication IO test and discovery ring latency test
  • Fixed forcible node drop makes cluster unstable in some cases
  • Fixed broken GridDhtAtomicSingleUpdateRequest
  • Fixed concurrent type registrations on multiple cache updates
  • Custom port support for H2 debug console added
  • Fixed events for discarded update should be ignored in CLOCK mode
  • Fixed potential deadlock during binary objects metadata update

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.8.8 for gridgain-core artifact
1.8.8 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.7.12.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed cluster instability on large near caches lead with metrics enabled
  • Fixed cache initialization event races
  • Fixed issue in writer thread for LRS
  • Custom port support for H2 debug console added
  • Visor GUI: added info about services permissions to Security tab
  • Fixed potential live lock in LRS
  • Fixed offheap cache rebalance bug
  • Fixed potential deadlock during binary objects metadata update

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.7.12 for gridgain-core artifact
1.7.12 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.9.4.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Local read operation from off-heap is optimized and doesn't require entry lock anymore in some cases
  • Rescheduling ServiceProcessor assignments recalculation if there is a pending topology change
  • Fixed a bug when IS_EVICT_DISABLED flag was not cleared when cache store throws an exception
  • Fixed striped pool starvation on unstable topology
  • Fixed cluster instability on large near caches with metrics enabled
  • Added Streamer for Apache RocketMQ
  • DR: fixed a bug causing excessive bytes to be sent between data centers
  • Massive NODE_FAILED events lead to excessive momentary memory consumption
  • Backported asyncOp bypass for sync operations.
  • Backported communication IO test and discovery ring latency test.
  • Fixed forcible node drop makes cluster unstable in some cases.
  • Fixed broken GridDhtAtomicSingleUpdateRequest.
  • Fixed concurrent type registrations on multiple cache updates.
  • Fixed issue in writer thread for LRS.
  • Visor GUI: added info about services permissions to Security tab
  • Fixed potential live lock in LRS
  • Fixed potential deadlock during binary objects metadata update.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.9.4 for gridgain-core artifact
1.9.4 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 8.1.2.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Web Console: added switch to activate and deactivate cluster
  • Web Console: added panel with persistence metrics
  • Web Console: added snapshots screen
  • Fixed bug in JDBC prepared statement implementations that clear query parameters after execution
  • Fixed possible deadlock in AtomicSequence when used inside transactions
  • Ignite C++: added Compute::Broadcast method
  • Rescheduling ServiceProcessor assignments recalculation if there is a pending topology change
  • Fixed a bug when IS_EVICT_DISABLED flag was not cleared when cache store throws an exception
  • Fixed striped pool starvation on unstable topology
  • Fixed cluster instability on large near caches with metrics enabled
  • SQL: improved LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime support for Java 8
  • Web Console: added PK alias generation on Models screen
  • SQL: Added FieldsQueryCursor interface to get fields metadata for SqlFieldsQuery
  • Fixed a bug causing NullPointerException and hangs on certain unicode characters with index inlining
  • Machine learning: implemented K-means clusterization algorithm optimized for distributed storages
  • Optimized consume of memory during rebalancing
  • NET: Added local collections joins support to LINQ.
  • ODBC: implemented DML statement batching
  • Updated Lucene dependency to version 5.5.2
  • Fixed progress reporting for snapshot create operation
  • DR: fixed a bug causing excessive bytes to be sent between data centers
  • Fixed broken GridDhtAtomicSingleUpdateRequest.
  • Fixed issue in writer thread for LRS.
  • Snapshot utility: added SCHEDULE command.
  • Fixed potential live lock in LRS
  • Visor GUI: Implemented new Tab with Memory Pools metrics.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

8.1.2 for gridgain-core artifact
2.1.2 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.7.13.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed bug in JDBC prepared statement implementations that clear query parameters after execution
  • Fixed connection leaks when loadPreviousValue set to true
  • Fixed: TcpDiscoverySpi ignores maxMissedClientHeartbeats property.
  • Added an option to disable MBeans.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.7.13 for gridgain-core artifact
1.7.13 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.8.9.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed onheap memory leak after scan query execution for OFFHEAP_TIRED cache with expiry policy
  • Decreased logging level for DataStreamer retry.
  • Added an option to disable MBeans.
  • Fixed issue in writer thread for LRS.
  • Visor GUI: added info about services permissions to Security tab
  • Fixed potential live lock in LRS

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.8.9 for gridgain-core artifact
1.8.9 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.9.5.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed onheap memory leak after scan query execution for OFFHEAP_TIRED cache with expiry policy
  • Added an option to disable MBeans.
  • Fixed NPE in Lucene.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.9.5 for gridgain-core artifact
1.9.5 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 8.1.3.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Reduced time spent in TTL eviction during cache proxy leave
  • Fixed race between WAL segment rollover and a concurrent log
  • C++: Added Ignite::SetActive
  • Fixed stale sequence update for local partition map
  • Fixed reuse cache proxy instances from with...() methods
  • Fixed onheap memory leak after scan query execution for OFFHEAP_TIRED cache with expiry policy
  • Fixed forcible node drop makes cluster instable in some cases.
  • ODBC and CPP: added support for BINARY and VARBINARY types
  • Fixed putIfAbsent wrong result on primary node fails.
  • Web Console: added PK alias generation on Models screen
  • Decreased logging level for DataStreamer retry.
  • Added an option to disable MBeans.
  • Fixed assertion error on head record in WAL
  • Fixed info log level escalation
  • Added correct message when entries are not mapped to any node
  • Added custom caches configuration support for snapshot restore command.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

8.1.3 for gridgain-core artifact
2.1.3 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.7.14.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fix bug with delay for compute jobs.
  • Fixed onheap memory leak after scan query execution for OFFHEAP_TIRED cache with expiry policy
  • Fixed cluster hanging due to Exception in communication SPI.
  • Fixed: Issue in continuous query.
  • Fixed missed unswapping from off-heap in load from store.
  • Rolling updates flag must be validated on node join
  • Fixed: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in GridUnsafeLru

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.7.14 for gridgain-core artifact
1.7.14 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.9.6.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed UnsupportedOperationException on SSLSocket shutdown
  • Fixed client disconnect if server it is connected to goes unresponsive
  • Fixed: Issue in the continuous query
  • Removed printing system properties if IGNITE_TO_STRING_INCLUDE_SENSITIVE is set
  • Backport fix of a bug with deserializing BigDecimals
  • Fixed NPE in ContinousQuery
  • Fixed unevenly partitions distribution in FairAffinityFunction
  • Now EVT_CACHE_REBALANCE_PART_DATA_LOST event is fired on all nodes including clients
  • Fixed missed unswapping from off-heap in load from store
  • SQL: Added support for Java 8 Date and Time API

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.9.6 for gridgain-core artifact
1.9.6 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.8.10.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed UnsupportedOperationException on SSLSocket shutdown.
  • Visor cmd: Added possibility to not close connection in batch mode.
  • Fixed client disconnect if server it is connected to goes unresponsive.
  • Fixed cluster halt if some exception occurs during cache initialization
  • Fixed a bug with deserializing BigDecimals.
  • Fixed unevenly partitions distribution in FairAffinityFunction
  • Fixed missed unswapping from off-heap in load from store.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.8.10 for gridgain-core artifact
1.8.10 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 8.1.4

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Web Console: optimized to run on big cluster with many caches.
  • Web Console: moved "Download Web Agent" link to footer.
  • Implemented restore of marshaller mappings from file system on node startup.
  • Implemented optimization to process multiple discovery events in single partition map exchange.
  • Handle missed partition ID during WAL replay
  • Fixed memory leak on page recovery
  • Fixed races between partition eviction and re-creation
  • Added API to add binary metadata locally
  • Fixed cluster active status on daemon node
  • Index will be destroyed during destroy Cache
  • Added sorted and multithreaded modes in checkpointing
  • SQL: optimized memory consumption during query execution.
  • SQL: Added QuerySqlField.inlineSize property.
  • SQL: Added lazy query execution mode (SqlFieldsQuery.setLazy).
  • Visor cmd: Added possibility to not close connection in batch mode.
  • Web Console: added generation of QueryEntity.keyFields on model import from RDBMS.
  • Added option to align pages in LFS partition files to pageSize
  • Fixes issue with server nodes rejecting client connections on large topologies
  • Fixed storage of indexes with name length greater than 128
  • Fixed AsynchronousCloseChannel in WAL
  • Added estimated time to rebalance start and completion to cache metrics
  • Introduced more effective data structures to store and exchange partition counter values.
  • Fixed saving cache configuration on node join
  • Replaced heap byte buffer with direct byte buffer in WAL records iterator
  • JDBC: added batch update support
  • Implemented thread context switching for optimistic transactions
  • Visor command-line: added possibility to activate/deactivate cluster.
  • JDBC Thin Driver: added metadata support
  • SQL: added QueryEntity(Class keyClass, Class valueClass) constructor.
  • Thin JDBC driver: added batch support
  • Fixed NPE in Lucene.
  • Provided compatibility of Snapshot API between 8.1.3 clients and 8.1.4 servers (please note that is not compatible and still should be invoked from 8.1.4 classes).
  • Added calculation of fill factor memory metric in persistent mode.
  • Snapshot utility: Added support for external folder in SNAPSHOT command.
  • Fix GridTimeoutProcessor hanging on node stop
  • Snapshot utility: Added support for cache configuration replacement in RESTORE command.
  • Now validation error message are shown correctly for specific node.
  • Fixed partition files header alignment
  • Fixed situation when partition counter may become 0 after exchange
  • Prevented potential data loss if partition is evicted during snapshot.
  • Added snapshot metrics MBean

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:


Professional Edition:


Versions in Maven:

8.1.4 for gridgain-core artifact
2.1.4 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.7.15.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed UnsupportedOperationException on SSLSocket shutdown.
  • Fixed client disconnect if server it is connected to goes unresponsive.
  • Removed printing system properties if IGNITE_TO_STRING_INCLUDE_SENSITIVE is set.
  • In case of LOCAL mode, IgniteCache.clear() should clear cache on the current node only.
  • Fixed inconsistent cache store state in case of originating node fails on commit
  • Fixed unevenly partitions distribution in FairAffinityFunction
  • Fix GridTimeoutProcessor hanging on node stop

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.7.15 for gridgain-core artifact
1.7.15 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.8.11.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • IgniteCache.loadCache() now doesn't block loading from store on remote nodes.
  • Added methods for batch services deployment to API
  • Fixed empty topology in discovery events when node has been segmented.
  • Fixed inconsistent cache store state in case of originating node fails on commit

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:

Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.8.11 for gridgain-core artifact
1.8.11 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team