Release Updates

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GridGain has released version 7.5.28.

The version includes the following changes:

  • IGFS: Usability improvements.
  • Fixed performance degradation when a cache is preloaded from many IgniteDataStreamers in parallel from the same node.
  • Fixed issue with service redeployment after topology change.
  • Added Data Center Replication example.

Here are the direct download links:

Versions in Maven:

  • 7.5.28 for gridgain-core artifact
  • 1.5.28 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.5.29.

The version includes the following changes:

* Visor: Added a checkbox to preferences that enables optional collection of statistics/information from client nodes.
* Binary objects: performance improvements.
* IGFS: performance and usability improvements.
* Fixed issue with unnecessary discovery messages resend that may cause slow discovery message delivery.
* Fixed possible IO message loss during reconnect.
* Additional system properties for troubleshooting logging.
* Fixed issue when job ID was generated in a non unique way.

Here are the direct download links:

- Enterprise Edition:
- Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

- 7.5.29 for gridgain-core artifact
- 1.5.29 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.5.30.

The version includes the following changes:

  • Ignite Cache: new API that lets calculating size per particular partition.
  • Visor CMD: Added skip confirm in batch mode. Improved kill command.
  • Hadoop: Implemented new weight-based map-reduce planner (IgniteHadoopWeightedMapReducePlanner).
  • .NET: Added ability to implement custom affintiy functions.
  • Added support of EXPIRED events to continuous queries.
  • Data Streamer: ability to set timeout for a number of methods.
  • Fixed NPE in Ignite Services internals that happened when a service was executed before system cache was started.
  • Fixed NPE in OptimizedMarshaller when pool of streams is used.
  • Fixed the issue when it wasn't possible to deserialize an object on Java side if the object was placed in the cache on C++ or .Net side.
  • Fixed SQL indexes processing under Java 8.
  • DR: Fixed issue with excessive memory retention in DrSenderInMemoryStore.

Here are the direct download links:

Versions in Maven:

  • 7.5.30 for gridgain-core artifact
  • 1.5.30 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 1.6.2 (Professional Edition only).

The version includes the following changes.

Ignite .NET:

  • Added LINQ Provider for cache SQL queries
  • Added native configuration mechanism (C#, app.config, web.config - instead of Spring XML)
  • Added NuGet distribution
  • Added AtomicSequence and AtomicReference data structures
  • Binaries are now AnyCPU (instead of separate x64/x86)
  • Java-based services can be called the same way as .NET service are called
  • Added java-based continuous query filters
  • Added automatic Java detection: no need for JAVA_HOME
  • Java-based remote filters in continuous queries.

Ignite C++:

  • Fixed string deserialization performance issue.
  • Added Transactions API for C++ client.
  • Added Date and Timestamp types implementation for C++ client.
  • Simplified Autotools build process for C++ client.


  • Fixed CountDownLatch recreation.
  • Added Cache Store implementation backed by Cassandra DB.
  • Added ODBC driver for Ignite.
  • Added Web Console for Ignite.
  • ODBC: Added decimal type support.

Direct download link:

Version in Maven is 1.6.2.


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.6.3.

The version includes the following changes:

  • .NET: Fixed a bug in IBinaryObjectBuilder causing type name to be lost.
  • DR: Fixed a bug causing retention of unused file store data.
  • Visor: Fixed data nodes calculation when node filter is set for cache.

Here are the direct download links:

Versions in Maven:

  • 7.6.3 for gridgain-core artifact
  • 1.6.3 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.6.4.

The version includes the following changes:

  • Fixed a bug in GridCacheTtlManager.
  • Added basic implementation of address resolver.
  • Visor: Implemented scan query with filter by substring.

Versions in Maven:

  • 7.6.4 for gridgain-core artifact
  • 1.6.4 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released GridGain Professional Edition 1.7.1:

Among the changes you can see the Distributed Joins mechanism that allows to execute SQL queries with joins over non-collocated caches!

Version in Maven is 1.7.1 for ignite-xxx artifacts.


GridGain Support Team 

GridGain has released version 7.6.5.

The version includes the following changes:

  • DR: Added send and receive buffer size properties to DrSenderConfiguration.
  • Decreased memory consumption in continuous queries.
  • New methods for affinity-based execution in IgniteCompute.
  • Fixed support for null values in SpringCacheManager.
  • Fixed binary serialization of TreeSet and TreeMap classes.
  • Fixed a bug in binary marshaller causing exceptions on a client after servers restart.
  • IGFS: Added new secondary file system implementation based on local file system.
  • IGFS: Performance improvements.

Here are the direct download links:

Versions in Maven:

  • 7.6.5 for gridgain-core artifact
  • 1.6.5 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.6.7.

The following changes are included in this version:

  • DR: Added "socketSendBufferSize" and "socketReceiveBufferSize" configuration parameters to DrReceiverConfiguration.
  • DR: Fixed a bug causing exception during batch send due to concurrent DrSenderInMemoryStore overflow.
  • ODBC: Added numeric, date/time and system functions support.
  • ODBC: Added "socketSendBufferSize" and "socketReceiveBufferSize" configuration parameters.
  • ODBC: Added DSN configuration dialog for Windows.
  • ODBC: Added string functions support.
  • Implemented deadlock detection support for optimistic transactions and near caches.
  • Implemented resource injection support for cache EntryProcessors.
  • Implemented transformers for cache queries.
  • Fixed a problem with BinaryMarshaller handles resolution.
  • CPP: Optimized SQL query cursors to better accommodate large result sets.
  • Automatic Persistence: Fixed issue with load large result set from MySQL.
  • Import schema utility: fixed java code generation for group indexes.
  • Visor: Added node id, node ip and values of metrics to alert log.
  • Visor: Added output for off-heap metrics to "cache -a" command.

Here are the direct download links:

Versions in Maven:

  • 7.6.7 for gridgain-core artifact
  • 1.6.7 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.7.3.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Web Console: Added cache partitions screen.
  • Web Console: Added ability to display node and cache configuration.
  • Web Console: Improved usability of SQL screen.
  • .NET: Added NLog and Log4Net logger implementations.
  • .NET: Added IClusterGroup.ForDaemons() method.
  • .NET: Added ASP.NET Session-State Store Provider.
  • Visor: Use client mode for internal connection.
  • Visor: Added reset cache metrics command.
  • DR: Added send and receive buffer size properties to DrSenderConfiguration.
  • IGFS: Performance improvements.
  • IGFS: Performance improvements.
  • ODBC: Added distributed joins support.
  • SQL: Updated H2 version from 1.3.175 to 1.4.191.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect return value for cache invoke/getAndPut in transactional cache when primary owner leaves.
  • Fixed bug in SSL handlers causing "Unsupported record version" exception.

Here are the direct download links:

Versions in Maven:

  • 7.7.3 for gridgain-core artifact
  • 1.7.3 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.7.9.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Visor GUI: Added support for "Enforce join order" on SQL Tab.
  • Visor GUI: Added dump cluster state on Dashboard Tab
  • Fixed service redeploy on concurrent cancel and applying continuous query.

Here are the direct download links:

Versions in Maven:

  • 7.7.9 for gridgain-core artifact
  • 1.7.9 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.8.4.

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Visor GUI: Added support for "Enforce join order" on SQL Tab.
  • Visor GUI: Added dump cluster state on Dashboard Tab
  • SQL: Sql query supports table alias.
  • SQL: Add support for custom table name.

Here are the direct download links:

Versions in Maven:

  • 7.8.4 for gridgain-core artifact
  • 1.8.4 for ignite-xxx artifacts

Great reading about features added in 7.8:


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 1.9.1 (Professional Edition).

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Added Spark Shared RDD examples.
  • Added pre-compiled benchmarks in binary fabric release.
  • Added IP finder for Ignite nodes autodiscovery in Kubernetes.
  • Bulk load of data into Ignite via JDBC is now possible with new JDBC driver mode.
  • Improved aggregation, group by, offset/limit handling in subqueries.
  • Fixed H2 license in LICENSE_FABRIC and enable Apache licenses to be listed in ignite-*-licenses.txt.
  • IgniteRDD: Added support for Spark 2.0.
  • Support TransactionScope API for Ignite transactions.
  • SQL: query can utilize multiple threads.
  • .NET: "ICollection.Contains" in LINQ support.
  • .NET: DML API support.
  • C++: Implemented LoadCache.
  • C++: DML support.
  • C++: ContinuousQuery support.
  • Web Console: SQL screen redesigned for better usability.

Here is the direct download link:

Version in Maven is 1.9.1.


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 1.9.2 (Professional Edition).

The following main changes are included in this version:

  • Fixed bug related pojo store
  • Option added to disallow entry has being overwritten before write behind buffer is flushed.
  • Implemented optimization for OFFHEAP_TIERED mode to avoid synchronization on cache entry for cache.get operation
  • Fixed failure when accessing BinaryObjectBuilder field value serialized with OptimizedMarshaller.
  • Fixed SQL query failure when offheap cache with segmented index is used.
  • Now back-pressure control supports for cache updates in PRIMARY_SYNC mode with backups.
  • Default JaasJsonPermissionProvider exposed to public package

Here is the direct download link:

Version in Maven is 1.9.2.


GridGain Support Team

GridGain has released version 7.7.11.

The following main changes are included in this version:

Removed redundant duplication of permissions in SecurityPermissionSetBuilder.

Added service security permissions support.

Statements support added for JDBC and Cassandra store

Fixed authorization events for Visor operations.

Here are the direct download links:

Enterprise Edition:
Professional Edition:

Versions in Maven:

7.7.11 for gridgain-core artifact
1.7.11 for ignite-xxx artifacts


GridGain Support Team